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번호 제목 작성자 작성일
21 Identifcation of asthma-related genes using asthmatic blood eQTLs of Korean patients 멘델 2023-10-31
20 Genetic differences according to onset age and lung function in asthma: A cluster analysis 멘델 2023-08-01
19 나의 유전정보를 이용하면 심장병에 걸릴 가능성이 높은지를 알 수 있는가? 멘델 2023-07-26
18 Investigation of heteroscedasticity in polygenic risk scores across 15 quantitative traits 멘델 2023-05-11
17 Gene-environment interaction explains a part of missing heritability in human body mass index 멘델 2023-03-28
16 The effect of heteroscedasticity on the prediction efficiency of genome-wide polygenic score for body mass index 멘델 2023-02-13
15 Smoking-Interaction Loci Affect Obesity Traits: A Gene-Smoking Stratified Meta-Analysis of 545,131 Europeans 멘델 2023-02-13
14 Gene-environment interaction in type 2 diabetes in Korean cohorts: Interaction of a type 2 diabetes polygenic risk score with triglyceride and cholesterol on fasting glucose levels 멘델 2022-07-19
13 Genome-Wide Interaction Study of Late-Onset Asthma With Seven Environmental Factors Using a Structured Linear Mixed Model in Europeans 멘델 2022-07-19
12 Characterisation of insomnia as an environmental risk factor for asthma via Mendelian randomization and gene environment interaction 멘델 2022-07-19
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